Emergency Covid Guidelines For Essential/Emergency Status

WAPPG assumes no liability. It is your responsibility to know your local requirements. Government mandates and proclamations may change without notice. It is recommended that you periodically check local, state, and federal guidelines.

These Guidelines are to be used during Stay At Home Orders.


General Guidelines:

  • Post a sign asking clients not to come in if they have been feeling unwell. Include in your appointment reminders a message to reschedule if not feeling well or anyone has tested positive for Covid in the last 14 days.
  • Practice 6ft social distancing.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before and after contact with a client or use hand sanitizer. Spray or wipe clothing/aprons with a disinfectant after taking a pet from the owner and placing in a kennel.
  • Provide proper PPE as needed. Masks, gloves, aprons, onion goggles and face shields should be on hand.
  • Businesses must post signage requiring masks. If you work alone wear a mask when checking pets in or out. If there are multiple employees masks are required.
  • Take a Covid 19 certification class.
  • Operate by appointment, allowing walk ins only if a time slot is available.
  • Place pets directly into the tub and bathe prior to grooming.
  • Thoroughly clean and disinfect between pets.
  • Ideally use no-touch payment systems and digital release forms. If you accept checks have clients pre write them before they come to salon. Wash hands thoroughly after handling cash and pens.
  • Clean and wipe down touchpoints (pens, keyboards, touchscreens, tables, counters and door handles) regularly.
  • Use kennel leads and disinfect them between pets. Have owners take leashes and collars with them.
  • Screen employees for symptoms when they arrive for their shift. (Take temperature and ask if they have been experiencing any symptoms.)
  • Utilize CDC/DOH/OSHA Posters.
  • When performing services that do not include a bath wear a face mask, a waterproof apron that can be disinfected, and disposable gloves.
  • Wash laundry, smocks and leads/loops in accordance with Health Department guidelines.


There are several different location scenarios for professional pet grooming. Each situation may require different protocol. In addition to following the General Guidelines above, please follow the safety recommendations for your particular situation.



  • Work by appointment only. We recommend one pet per worker.
  • Post signage at your door with your particular salon’s drop off and pick up protocol. Use social media, email lists or digital release forms to communicate the protocol.
  • Use contactless drop off and pick up.



  • Have the client meet the groomer outside the mobile unit and handoff the pet there, practicing good protocol with leads and collars, or have owner place pet in a kennel to be retrieved by groomer. Do not allow the owner to enter the unit.
  • Keep proper restraint of the pet and safety in mind at all times during transfer of pet.
  • One person in the mobile unit at a time to practice good social distancing.


 Home-Based Salon:

  • Like Mobile, meet the client and pet outside the home entry and hand off the pet there or, offer curb-side service practicing good protocol with leads and collars. Do not allow the owner to enter the salon. If you have a separate lobby follow the Salon guidelines above.
  • Do not allow the client to linger within your home or personal space.


House Call:

Because of the unique nature of House Call grooming, HC grooming comes with its own set of intrinsic risks. With these risks in mind, it is recommended that HC groomers refrain from practicing unless they can strictly adhere to the following safety protocol.

  • It is advised that HC groomers are vaccinated for Covid 19 for the health and safety of groomer and client.
  • During stay at home orders groom outside, or in the garage.
  • Wear a mask while at the client’s home.
  • When grooming outside, follow all security procedures to assure the containment and safety of the pet.
  • If the safety and comfort of the pet, the groomer or the client cannot be assured, please do not practice.



WAPPG’s goal is to assist all groomers in following safety guidelines so that we may continue to care for the pet’s and people that rely on us for their health during the Covid 19 pandemic. Below are some options for contactless drop off and pick up If you would like assistance following these guidelines please contact us, we are here for you!



Contactless Drop Off/Pick Up Methods:

  1. Place Kennel in lobby. Have client enter lobby, remove pet’s collar/harness and leash (taking it with them), and place pet in kennel. Wait until client has left the building and retrieve pet from kennel. Disinfect client touch points and kennel. Reverse for pick up.
  2. Have a tie out station in lobby. Client enters, attaches pet to tie out and leaves. Collect pet with slip lead and place its belongings in a labeled gallon Ziploc. Disinfect client touchpoints and wash/sanitize hands. Reverse for pick up.
  3. Have an outdoor kennel run for clients to drop off pet, removing their collar/harness and leash (taking it with them). Collect pet with slip lead. This works well for tiny salons/home based. Disinfect client touchpoints. Reverse for pick up.
  4. Curbside service. Collect pet at curb with a kennel lead. Ideally have owner remove pet’s collar/harness and lead or alternatively place in labeled Ziploc once you get pet inside.

Non-Emergency Covid Guideline (Phase 2 And Lower)

WAPPG assumes no liability. It is your responsibility to know your local requirements. Government mandates and proclamations may change without notice. It is recommended that you periodically check local, state, and federal guidelines.

These Guidelines are to be used to prevent transmission of Covid.


General Guidelines:

  • Practice 6ft social distancing.
  • Wash hands frequently.
  • Provide hand sanitizer for clients.
  • Encourage masks.
  • Provide proper PPE as needed. Masks, gloves, aprons, onion goggles and face shields should be on hand.
  • Ideally use no-touch payment systems and digital release forms. If you accept checks have clients pre write them before they come to salon. Wash hands thoroughly after handling cash.
  • Clean and wipe down touchpoints (pens, keyboards, touchscreens, tables, counters and door handles) regularly.
  • Screen employees for symptoms when they arrive for their shift. (Take temperature and ask if they have been experiencing any symptoms.)
  • Utilize CDC/DOH/OSHA Posters.
  • Wash laundry, smocks and leads/loops in accordance with Health Department guidelines.


There are several different location scenarios for professional pet grooming. Each situation may require different protocol. In addition to following the General Guidelines above, please follow the safety recommendations for your particular situation.



  • Post signage at your door asking those with symptoms or a positive Covid test in the last 10 days to not to enter. Include in your appointment reminders a message to reschedule if not feeling well or anyone has tested positive for Covid in the last 10 days.
  • Post signage at your door with your particular salon’s drop off and pick up protocol. Use social media, email lists or digital release forms to communicate the protocol.




  • Have the client meet the groomer outside the mobile unit and handoff the pet there, practicing good protocol with leads and collars.
  • Keep proper restraint of the pet and safety in mind at all times during transfer of pet.
  • One person in the mobile unit at a time to practice good social distancing.


Home-Based or Tiny Salon:

  • Do not allow the client to linger within your home or personal space.
  • If you have a lobby follow the salon guidelines above.


House Call:

Because of the unique nature of House Call grooming, HC grooming comes with its own set of intrinsic risks. If you are unable to follow safety protocol it is recommended that HC groomers refrain from practicing until it is safe to do so.

  • It is advised that HC groomers are vaccinated for Covid 19 for the health and safety of groomer and client. If you choose not to be vaccinated it is recommended you groom outside, or in the garage.
  • If you groom in the house maintain social distance and wear a mask.
  • If grooming outside, follow all security procedures to assure the containment and safety of the pet.



WAPPG’s goal is to assist all groomers in following safety guidelines so that we may continue to care for the pet’s and people that rely on us for their health during the Covid 19 pandemic. Below are some options for contactless drop off and pick up If you would like assistance following these guidelines please contact us, we are here for you!